This is a blog maintained by B1-level students in Maria Markaki school. Here you can read some of their compositions or take a look at their favourite YouTube videos and webpages.
Wednesday, December 24, 2014
Wednesday, December 17, 2014
Christmas in China
Every french home at christmastime displays a nativity scene or creche. The criche is often peopled with little figures which are made by craftsmen in the south of france throughout the year . the craftsmanship involved in creating the gaily colored santons is quite astounding and the molds have been passed from generation to generation since the seventeenth century.
The christmas tree has never been particullypopular in france, and thought the use of the yule log has faded the franch make a traditional yule log - shaped cake called the buche de nol , which means " christmas log " . The cake , among other foodin great a bundance is served at the grand feast of the seasons , which is called le iveilon .
French children receive gifts from Pere Noel who travelswith his stern disciplinarian companion . Im other places it is le petit Jsus who brings gifts.
nick kokkinos d class
Tuesday, December 16, 2014
Christmas In Romania
Monday, December 15, 2014
Sunday, December 14, 2014
Informal letter giving information
It was great to hear from you .When are you leaving ?
I had a fantastic time at my ecological trip last three months , I learn about wildlife , but the hours are long , and I should warn you that you have to get up early. If you don't know about strange species of animals and birds , you 'll learn all about them there. Moreover, everyone was friendly.
If I were you , I would take a video camera , binoculars , insect repellent and heavy boots. I would take insect repellent because in these areas there are many flies. I suggest taking a torch too.
I hope you have a good time.
Best wishes
Monday, December 1, 2014
A Haunted Castle
The door creaked when I opened it. I waited for a minute but nobody spoke. Then I climbed upstairs. My heart beat. Suddenly, I listened to a scream. Then a ghost came behind me and I started running. Just then, the ghost said to me "I want your life". I was terrified. I had lost my temper and I started crying.
A few minutes later, I woke up and I was upstairs and behind me was a knife. After that, I went to my bedroom quickly and I thought about all the things that happened to me before...
BBC/nature Webpage
BBC/nature is a very interesting webpage with exciting articles.For example "The "Lucy" fossil rewrote the story of humanity"
Forty years ago, on a Sunday morning in late November 1974, a team of scientists were digging in an isolated spot in the Afar region of Ethiopia.
Surveying the area, paleoanthropologist Donald Johanson spotted a small part of an elbow bone. He immediately recognised it as coming from a human ancestor. And there was plenty more. "As I looked up the slopes to my left I saw bits of the skull, a chunk of jaw, a couple of vertebrae," says Johanson......
And lots more! If you are interested in this type of sites, you can check it out:
My opinion about the site called BirdLife International.
Now let's talk about the things I learned.I read many weird names of rare birds like Brazilian Merganser;a black bird with a long mouth.This bird is like a chicken.Another rare bird is the Christmas Island Frigatebird; I read about this bird because I like Christmas.Well this long bird which is grey and black lives in Australia!In addition to this, I read about an owl called Forest Owlet.This bird was discovered in 1997!I was rooted to the spot when I saw it.It is a funny,brown owl which likes playing games.
I won't tell you more.I suggest you visit this site,it is amazing.
New articles by our French e-pals!
You can write your opinion under one or both of these blog posts.
Sunday, November 30, 2014
Future Giant Mobile Phones...
Mobile Phones: A door to the future
Do you know why mobile phones are useful? They are useful because you can do everything with them, but if you use them too much, they may be dangerous.
I use the mobile phone in order to keep in touch with my friends and take photosand videos. I also listen to music, download films, play games, surf the internet and use it as an alarm clock.
In the future, I think that mobile phones will have more functions and that they will be a very important part of our lives. They will probably be bendy and they will be able to change their shape.
Mobile phones connect us with another world, the world of technology.
Saturday, November 29, 2014
The Biggest Invention!
Mobiles have advantages and disadvantages.Everyone knows the advantages.How about the disadvantages?The excessive use of mobile phones can cause problems to our health but also to our friends.
Personally, I use my mobile phone in order to download and listen to music.I also use it to find information from websites.Finally, I use it to keep in touch with my friends through the social media.We can use mobile phones in order to play games, check our emails, e.t.c.
The mobiles are a look at the future.In the future, I think mobiles will be smaller or bigger. No one knows!! Maybe they can fly and follow us instead of us carrying them. Perhaps in the future we won't need laptops or tablets. Mobiles are a new world!!!
Thursday, November 27, 2014
About Madame Tussauds New York
The best place of New York
In this museum they have got lots of kinds of planes such as sumbarine,helicopters,spacecrafts and
aircrafts.This floating museum offers an interavtive exploration of USA military aboard 900 foot long aircraft carrier docked along the Hudson River. The planes are very noisier and very faster. The 13,000 square foot exploreum hall that is a hit with all kinds of ages.
Taxi in the water
Where in the New York would you like to go?Why?
Friday, November 14, 2014
An amazing dog!
Monday, November 10, 2014
The description of a frightening story...
The main hero of this story is Jack Skellington,a spooky skeleton.This book talks about Jack who is bored of being the scariest monster of Halloween and he wants to turn the Halloween town into Christmastown,a wonderful place where people don't scare other people and they are all happy,but in order to do it he makes many mistakes.Will Jack and his dead dog Zero turn the Halloweentown into a happy christmas town?Is this decision right?I recommend for you to read this book and find it out.
The Nightmare Before Christmas
Sunday, November 9, 2014
The Nightmare Before Christmas (my best scence)
The best scence from the book and movie "The Nightmare Before Christmas" for me is, when Jack was in the middle of some, large trees and they had doors on them. The first door had a green Christmas tree with decorations on it. Another door had a big egg of Easter with yellow flowers on it. Also the last door had a big bird of Thanksgiving with a small head. Jack did not know anything about all that celebrations. Jack liked more the tree with the Christmas tree. He came near it and he put his hand on the door, it opened! A cold winter wind took him and the door closed quickly...
The Night Mare Before Christmas
The Halloweentown celebrated and Jack skeleton sang his scary song every year but he started feel bored . The Mayor came to Jack and told him "We love your scary song" then Jack walked past Sally who also sad. Sally made from a doctor who was very bad with her and he did not allow her to keep away from his home.
Jack walked with his dog Zero . Suddenly he saw three doors. The first door had a Christmas tree . The second door had an Easter egg. The third door had a big bird of Thanksgiving, of course Jack did not know anything about all that different celebrations.
Jack opened the door with the Christmas tree. A strong winter wind took him into a new town for him. Just then Jack started think"What is this?".
When Jack went back his house he started make plans for Christmas celebrations in his town. Before he went to his house Mayor came to his house and he was terrified because he did not find anybody in his house.
Jack about his plans for Christmas in his town and everybody were happy with him.
Jack started the plans. The first plan said that three young children went and took the Santa Claus. The second plan was to make red clothes and he said to Sally to make them. Αlso the third plan said that they must make reindeers and the last plan said that they must make scary presents for children.
They started to do all the things that Jack's plan said.
All children waited for this night. Suddenly when the children opened the boxes scaries toys were inside.
Ogie, a bad beast, caught Sally and Santa, but Jack saved them and then all the Halloween celebrated Christmas !!!!!!
The Nightmare Before Christmas.
The main hero of the book was Jack Skellington. Jack lived in Halloweentown and he was the scariest skeleton in the town. The problem with Jack was that he was feeling bored and tired with Halloween. For this reason, after Halloween's party he walked away to think about his future. He walked through the churchyard and into the dark woods. After two hours, he stopped and looked around him. He found a very beautiful place, wHere there were lots of decorations, beautiful trees and houses. It was the night of December 24. Jack saw the Santa Claus, lots of happy people and many toys. After a long time, he was happy and excited. Just then, he saw a sign, which said CHRISTMASTOWN. Suddenly, he had an idea! He went back to Halloweentown and tried to explain to ITS inhabitants the Christmas celebration...................................
Friday, November 7, 2014
Nightmare before Christmas Review
Thursday, November 6, 2014
New post by our French friends!
Hello bloggers! You are welcome to leave a written comment on our French e-pals' new blog post about a very interesting sculpture:
Click on the link and then click on 'comments' under the text to write something in the comment box. Good luck with your mission!
If you want to see some Spymasters comment on the sculpture orally, watch this video!!!
Monday, November 3, 2014
Nightmare Before Christmas
-Here is a video with this movie's trailer-
Sunday, November 2, 2014
The nightmare before Christmas
Saturday, November 1, 2014
A strange midnight in the middle of nowhere
A frightening story.
Friday, October 31, 2014
A Haunted Castle
Wednesday, October 29, 2014
Sunday, October 26, 2014
Writing a letter to Mrs Jackson about the babysitting group
Dear Mrs Jackson,
Thanks for your letter. How is John? I heard that he was ill.
I'd really like to join your babysitting group, because I need money. I have always got on well with young children. I am confident with them and I believe that most of the children will love me. I'll try to be more organised, mature and responsible with them.
Unfortunately, my friend George goes with his family on holiday every weekend. However, as my twin brother, Bill, loves young children, he will join your babysitting group. He's a bit immature, but he is very responsible and organised. He is also patient with young children so don't worry about anything!
I look forward to my first babysitting mission.
I look forward to my first babysitting mission.
Writing letter to Mrs Jackson about the babysitting group
Some corrections- Nick, be careful!!!
Once upon a time there was a haunted castle. In the castle there was a ghost which haunted the castle. The people who visited the castle died after three days. The castle was very beautiful before it got haunted. It was big with a bridge in the main entrance and it also had huge walls.Inside it there was a courtyard and then a spiral staircase which led to the rooms. After one hundred years, the castle was haunted by one prisoner who the MacRae family had thrown off the bridge , into the loch. So the castle remain haunted.

Saturday, October 25, 2014
Technology in the classroom
Technology in the classroom
This should go to paragraph 2 with the advantages--> Technology helps teachers, too. Teachers can be further prepared for the lessons and more organised. They make lessons more interesting and students could be more focused on them.
On the other hand, technology in classroom can be a really bad influence for students who could easily forget the wide variety of interactive activities they are doing and become unfocused. (any other problems? internet dangers?)
In conclusion, I think that technology in the classroom is a really nice idea which can provide students with knowledge and help them become better and more sociable if they use it carefully. Technology is a blessing if we use it properly.
Monday, October 20, 2014
Armadale Castle
Armadale Castle is a ruined country house in Armadale,Skye and the house of MacDonald family. A mansion house was first built there around 1790.In addition to this in 1815 a Scottish mock-castle, intended for show rather than defense, designed byJames Gillespie Graham, was built next to the house. After that in 1855 the part of the house destroyed by fire was replaced by a central wing, designed by David Bryce.Since 1925 the castle, abandoned by MacDonalds has fallen into ruin.The gardens around the castle have been maintained, and are now home to the Clan Donald Centre, which operates the Museum of Isles.
Sunday, October 19, 2014
Craigievar Castle
Castle of St. Jorge
Castle of St. Jorge
Saturday, October 18, 2014
Bran Castle
Thursday, October 16, 2014
Eilean Donan Castle
The most popular castle in Scotland is Eilean Donan. The castle is between three great sea lochs and around the castle is a majestic scnery.
Although first inhabited around the 6th century, the first castle was built in the mid 13th century.Since then, at least four different versions of the castle have been built and re-built as the feudal history of Scotland unfolded through the centuries.
The castle destroyed in a uprising in 1719. Colonel John MacRace-Gilstrap bought the island in 1911 and proceeded to restore the castle to its former glory. After 20 years of toil and labour the castle was re-opened in 1932.
Today, you can explore all the area of the castle.
The castle now has its own visitor centre, which includes the ticket office, coffee shop and gift shop.
All the people that had visited the castle said that it is very beautiful.
Wednesday, October 15, 2014
My personality and character
My name is Konstantina and i am thirteen and a half years old.I come from Heraklion.I am in second class of Junior High School.I have brown eyes and longs brown hair.I am tall and thin.
In my spare time I listen to music and i play volleyball.I love playing volleyball is my hobby!!!I know only one player Karch Kiraly.My favourite subject in school is maths because I like solving arithmetic problems.Also I love physical education [like everybody] because i like playing sports!!!!My favourite colour is blue and white.My favourite movie is Maze Runner.
I am impatient because I can't wait for a long time!!!Also i am a little stubborn and I am very responsible.I am confident and sociable too!I am quite mature for my age and of course i am the most positive person you have ever met in your life!!I am creative and hard-working too.This is me!!!
Things about me
Hello, my name is Konstantinos and I live in Heraklion.I am 13 years old and I am in second class of junior high school .I listen to rap music and my favourite music artist is Eminem..I am tall,I have brown hair and eyes.My favourite subjects in school are maths and physics but I hate ancient greek and history.I am a good listener and pessimistic but I am a little bit disorganised.My hobbies are baskeball,tennis,playing computer games and i love listening to music!My favourite colours are deep/ dark blue and yellow.In my spare time I hang out with my friends,I listen to music,I read literary books or I play computer games.
My personality
Hi! My name is Maria and I am thirteen (13) years old. I live in Heraklion in Crete . At school I am in the second class of Junior High School. My hobby is shopping . My favourite subjects are Maths and Chemistry . My favourite colours are blue,purple, white.I have short brown hair, I am very tall and I have got earrings . I am usually an optimistic and sociable person. I have got positive energy, sometimes I change my mind for the best or for the worst, I am creative, relaxed and organised. I love very much pineapples very much! Look at them! They are so cute.
Thanks for reading my post !!!!! <3<3 =)
Things about me and my character!
My name is Manolis,I come from Greece and I live in Heraklion.Also I am thirteen years old.I am quite short,I have brown eyes and hair.I play basketball and volleyball too!In my spare time I like to play computer games,reading comics and listening to music. (Full stop) In addition to this my favourite types of music are rap,pop and sometimes I listen to jazz.My favourite singer of rap is Eminem or Marshall Mathers,my favourite singer of pop is Katy Perry and my favourite singer of jazz is Miles Davis.I go to the second grade of junior highschool and my favourite subjects are P.E,computers' science,geography and English lessons but I hate maths and ancient greek.
Now I will talk to you about my personality.Well I am a quite confident,hard-working,optimistic,funny and a little bit disorganised guy. However, I get angry with bossy,annoying,critical and aggresive people, although I get on well with people who are unselfish,friendly and nice with me.
This is a short video which explores Crete.
Things about me
I am a responsible and hardworking person. I am a bit immature and bossy. I am also confident and sociable. I always look on the bright side so I'm not pessimistic. I never pick a quarrel and I am usually in a good mood.