Today they all buy and decorate christmas trees, naturally or artificially.
This is a blog maintained by B1-level students in Maria Markaki school. Here you can read some of their compositions or take a look at their favourite YouTube videos and webpages.
Monday, December 26, 2011
Greek Christmas Customs (by Konstantinos Martimianakis)
Today they all buy and decorate christmas trees, naturally or artificially.
Monday, December 19, 2011
Friday, December 9, 2011
Friday, November 18, 2011
A Christmas Carol: Audio version
Monday, November 7, 2011

Monday, October 31, 2011

Halloween is a annual holiday observed
More than a thousand years ago the Christian church named November 1 All Saints Day (also called All Hallows.) This was a special holy day to honor the saints and other people who died for their religion. The night before All Hallows was called Hallows Eve. Later the name was changed to Halloween.
Like the Celts, the Europeans of that time also believed that the spirits of the dead would visit the earth on Halloween. They worried that evil spirits would cause problems or hurt them. So on that night people wore costumes that looked like ghosts or other evil creatures. They thought if they dressed like that, the spirits would think they were also dead and not harm them.
The tradition of Halloween was carried to America by the immigrating Europeans. Some of the traditions changed a little, though. For example, on Halloween in Europe some people would carry lanterns made from turnips. In America, pumpkins were more common. So people began putting candles inside them and using them as lanterns. That is why you see Jack 'o lanterns today.
These days Halloween is not usually considered a religious holiday. It is primarily a fun day for children. Children dress up in costumes like people did a thousand years ago. But instead of worrying about evil spirits, they go from house to house. They knock on doors and say "trick or treat." The owner of each house gives candy or something special to each trick or treater.

Halloween (or Hallowe'en), a contraction of All-Hallows-Eve (as in the day before "All Hallows" or "All Souls" Day), is an annual festival observed on October 31. In recent years the American inspired (and US media driven) commercialisation of this date (previously marked in the UK by children carving lanterns in turnips or swedes and little else - pumpkins being scarce) has resulted in the importing of US traditions such as "trick or treating", costume parties, and carving to the lanterns from real pumpkins which are cultivated specially for this purpose.
Tuesday, October 18, 2011
A place I'd love to visit
- the London Eye
- the natural history museum
- the science museum
- many shopping centers
- a football match of Manchester United or Liverpool
One important reason I want to visit London is that I will be able to practice my english skills, especially my pronunciation skills. I think this journey is the most suitable for me because I will practice my English skills in a fun way. I hope I go there soon...
A place where I want to go.
The place where I would really like to go is New York.I think that
it is a city with beautifull sites for you to visit and it can also offer you great accomodation.
A very popular sight that you can visit is the statue of liberty,another very popular sight to visit is the museum of modern art where you can learn a lot about art and artists.Furthermore you can go to the brooklin botanical garden where you can see many different types of plants.In
The public transport in New York is very exciting as you can go to places with many different ways.In my opinion the best way to see the town is by taking the double decker bus tour which will go through the center of the town.Another very good thing about New york is that you will receive great accomodation.You can find very luxurius hotels but on the other hand you can also find cheaper hotels if you do not want to waste a lot of money on your accomodation.In the city there are also some very good restaurants where you can find every type of food you want.You can find Chinese food and recipes from many other countries.
I have never been to New York but I am sure that one day I will go because in my opinion it is one of the most exciting attractions in the world.
Horrible bosses!

Monday, October 3, 2011
A film review

Last Saturday I went to Talos Plaza with my friends to see Johny English:Rebron .I saw the trailer in Youtube and it was very funny.Johny English is a retired special agent because he has made a mistake during a speech of the President of Africa.He had to protect the president because there were assassins at the speech who killed him.Now English is in Thibet and he learns karate from a xiaolin master.English returns to London for his next mission.His mission is to find the cause of the assassination of the African President .In my oppinion the movie was very unexeptable and funny.I enjoyed the film.Starring: Rowan Atkinson

Film review

One week ago I went to the cinema with my friends Aliki,Tony and Xrisanthi. We saw the movie "FINAL DESTINATION 5". This movie is a horror film. It was amazing!
The director of the film is Steven Quale. The writers of the film are Eric Heisserer and Jeffrey Reddick. The main actors of the film are Nicholas D'Agosto, Emma Bell and Arlen Escarpeta. In this film a man in a bus has a dream about a bridge which is destroyed and all his friends die. After a few minutes the dream is real. All the things he has seen in his dream become real. So he tells his friend before the bridge is destroyed to get out of the bus and go away from the bridge. They listen to him, so they are safe now. After that event, they don't feel so good. Suddenly, one by one start to die!
Monday, August 29, 2011
The best teacher I have ever had
I've had many teachers in my life.Most of them were good and friendly; however, there were some bad teachers too.But the teacher that stood out for me was my English teacher, Jim Tsigkenis, who taught me a lot of great things.
The main reason I like this teacher is because of his character.He's thoughtful,friendly and also he is very helpful to us because whenever we need help he's there.He is always patient and waits for us to answer. Even if we don't know the answer, he gives us time to find it out.
Another thing I like about Mr. Tsigenis is what he does in his lessons.He tries to make us understand what he is saying and not just read what the book says.Furthermore, he is making the lesson more interesting by telling jokes once in a while.In addition to that, he asks us to bring information about certain sights in England from the Internet so that we can practice English while we are surfing the internet.
I think Mr. Tsigenis is the best teacher I've ever had and I wish we have lessons with him the next year too.His lessons were very pleasant and fun. I also wish all the teachers were as good as him.
Sunday, August 28, 2011
Text corrections (I am leaving your original post as it is so as for you to be able to compare it with the corrected version):
Saturday, August 27, 2011
An article
Monday, August 22, 2011
Sunday, August 21, 2011
An Article
Thursday, August 18, 2011
Wednesday, August 10, 2011
A formal transactional letter (complaint)
Dear Sir/Madam
We are writing regarding our stay in your hotel. We want to complain because your brochure was misleading.
First of all, the fridge in our room was not working so that we could not conserve some fruit and food that we had brought with us. The results of this is that all our food went off. Your brochure also claimed that the television was having satellite TV chanels. Actually, only two local channels were available and they were not in English. We needed very much the TV because in the noon, the sun is too hot, so we stay in the hotel and want to watch news and some sitcoms.With that television, we could not watch them.
Another problem we faced is that the beach wasso polluted, that the sea was deep black maybe because of an oil spill. We could not swim there, so we had to go to other beaches which were very far from the hotel. Finally, the town centre was not as close to the hotel as your brochure claimed.
We think that these problems are serious enough to request a refund of 500 euros and a letter of apology.
We look forward to receiving your reply.
Yours faithfully,
Minas Papadakis
Sunday, August 7, 2011
A piece of homework.
Dear Sir/Madam
We are writing to complain about the accommodation we have received at your hotel and also about your brochure which is misleading .
Firstly, your brochure claimed that there are TVs with satellite TV channels . However, when we turned on the TV, there were only two local channels available and they were not even in English.In addition to this, your brochure claimed that there are luxurious apartments and that they all have fridges. Unfortunately, the fridge was not working; therefore, we could not possibly have cold water in the room.
Secondly, it was written in your brochure that the hotel is only a few metres away from the beach. Nevertheless, when we arrived at the beach we saw that it was not suitable for swimming, because it was very dirty.To make matters worse, you stated in your brochure that the hotel is minutes away from the town centre, but this is true only if you use the car. So we had to walk to the town centre for almost an hour.
We believe that your brochure is definitely misleading and, as a result, we would like a full refund of 700$ because we were not satisfied at all with the accommodation we have received at your hotel.
We look forward to receiving a prompt reply.
Yours faithfully
Stergios Mavrikakis
Thursday, August 4, 2011
An essay about TV
Tuesday, August 2, 2011
youtube videos
COD MW2 video
NBA 2K11 video and my best commentator
Writing an essay.
Watching television is a complete waste of time
Nowadays, all houses have at least one television.But is television always entertaining?A lot of people like watching TV; on the other hand, there are some people that almost never watch TV.
One of the benefits of television is, firstly, that some programs can be educational, such as documentaries, which contain plenty of information about animals and other topics of interest. What is more, television can be amusing when you watch sitcoms and, finally, it can be informative when you watch the news that give you information about the whole world.
However, the TV also has its disadvantages.One of them is that there is violence in some programs, like in crime series and there are also some gory scenes that can sometimes be frightening and disgusting. In addition to that, the TV can be addictive, as many people spend so many hours per day on it that they do not even communicate with their friends.
In conclusion, I think some TV programs can really be entertaining and useful for children and adults, although some other programs can be a waste of time and can also influence people negatively.
My favourite horror films (trailers)
A report
From; Minas Papadakis
Subject; Making the library more popular
In this report, I will make some recommendations about how to make the library more popular and appealing to the youngsters.
The library
Today, the library has many problems which must be solved. For example, it is dark, so people cannot read well. The furniture is not comfortable, and also there are not enough books. Finally, people complain that the librarians are unfriendly and unhelpful.
What teenagers enjoy
Teenagers want to study or do some research, but they cannot do it in their houses. They need the library, but if the library is not a popular comfortable library, with a wide variety of books, they usually stay at home. As for their preferences about the books, they like mystery, fantasy crime and detective stories mostly.
Recommendations and suggestions
As I said before, if a library is not appealing, the young people do not visit it. So the library must be improved. It needs to be more spacious, comfortable, well lit, with a big variety of books, and it must be in a peaceful location. The books should be in Greek and English and, in my opinion, a computer room is important if the people want to do some research. I hope my suggestions prove helpful.
Sunday, July 31, 2011
To: Mr Springfield
From: Stergios Mavrikakis
Subject: Making the library more popular.
In this report I will make some recommendations about how to make the library more popular with young people in your area.
The library as it is now
At the moment the library has a lot of problems.One of the problems is that there is a limited range of books.Also, the librarians are very unhelpful and sometimes they do not even answer your questions.To make matters worse, the chairs are very uncomfortable and some of them are broken. The library is very dark and sometimes it is even hard to read.Finally, the library is not well painted and it is not clean at all.
What teenagers enjoy
The things that teenagers enjoy are detective books,comics,or romantic stories . Also teenagers may need books in different languages for example in Greek and in English.In addition to that,teenagers may need a computer room for people that do not have Internet access and want to do some research.
I believe the things that the library needs in order to become more popular are: Firstly, it should be well-light, spacious and have comfortable chairs.Secondly, it should have a wide range of books.Also the library has to be in a peaceful place and quiet for the people to read.The old librarians who where unhelpful should be replaced with new friendly and helpful librarians.Finally, it would be a good idea if the library had a computer room for research.I hope my suggestions helped .
Tuesday, July 26, 2011
One of my favorite songs.
A frightening video
Some of my favourite songs
Ocean's Four Feat. Adam Clay - Beautiful Life
This is one of my favourites. It's really nice.I mostly like it because of its wonderful music.
DEV - Bass Down Low ft. The Cataracs
This is also one of my favourite songs. It's popular because it is a great song with brilliant music and lyrics.
Monday, July 25, 2011
What I like and what I dislike about my town.
What I like about my hometown Is that it's lively because of the people that walk on the streets and talk to each other.I also like that my town has alot of sights where you can visit. What I dislike about my hometown Is that It doesn't have a lot of greenerey or parks and it's also quite polluted.I wish there were a lot of parks for the children to play or public basketball courts courts or public tennis courts.Things that don't even exist.I wish there where more of these things that would make children's life much more fun.
Formal letter (reply to a newspaper)
I read your article about traffic, one of the worst problems of a big city.I totally agree with your statements. There is a large number of cars in the streets, and that is indeed a very serious problem which must be solved immediately.
To make matters worse, the traffic lights usually do not work, so there is a complete chaos in the streets. Also, at night, people usually use their car to get to the centre of the city.As a result of the countless cars on the roads, there is air pollution and there is not enough parking space.
In my opinion, there are two important solutions for the problem of traffic; Firstly, every family should have only one car. Another car is not very useful. Secondly, people should use the bicycle more. It is cheaper, small and environmentally friendly.
I think everyone should own a bicycle, and use it, of course! I hope my ideas prove useful.
Yours faithfully,
Minas Papadakis
So here is some information that I found in a site about this subject:
The terms most commonly refer to authors, consultants, organizational leaders and others who engage in interdisciplinary and systems thinking to advise private and public organizations on such matters as diverse global trends, plausible scenarios, emerging market opportunities and risk management.
The Oxford English Dictionary identifies earliest use of the term futurism in English as 1842, to refer, in a theological context, the Christian eschatological tendency of that name. The next recorded use is the label adopted by the Italian and Russian futurists, the artistic, literary and political movements of the 1920s and 1930s which sought to reject the past and fervently embrace speed, technology and, often violent, change.
Visionary writers such as Jules Verne, Edward Bellamy and H.G. Wells were not in their day characterized as futurists. The term futurology in its contemporary sense was first coined in the mid-1940s by the German Professor Ossip K. Flechtheim, who proposed a new science of probability. Flechtheim argued that even if systematic forecasting did no more than unveil the subset of statistically highly probable processes of change and charted their advance, it would still be of crucial social value.[1]
In the mid-1940s the first professional "futurist" consulting institutions like RAND and SRI began to engage in long-range planning, systematic trend watching, scenario development, and visioning, at first under WWII military and government contract and, beginning in the 1950s, for private institutions and corporations. The period from the late 1940s to the mid-1960s laid the conceptual and methodological foundations of the modern futures studies field. Bertrand de Jouvenel's The Art of Conjecture in 1963 and Dennis Gabor's Inventing the Future in 1964 are considered key early works, and the first U.S. university course devoted entirely to the future was taught by futurist Alvin Toffler at The New School in 1966.[2]
More generally, the label includes such disparate lay, professional, and academic groups as visionaries, foresight consultants, corporate strategists, policy analysts, cultural critics, planners, marketers, forecasters, prediction market developers, roadmappers, operations researchers, investment managers, actuaries and other risk analyzers, and future-oriented individuals educated in every academic discipline, including anthropology, complexity studies, computer science, economics, engineering, evolutionary biology, history, management, mathematics, philosophy, physical sciences, political science, psychology, sociology, systems theory, technology studies, and other disciplines.
But then, she thought that it was a joke by her friends and breathed a sigh of relief. She got in front of the window and asked her friends if they had played this joke on her, but they swore it wasn't them.
After that she asked herself who it was."Was it a joke or was the phone call by a ghost?"she thought.She tried to investigate the phone.
To her surprise, the phone was too old and broken, so she thought to her self"How could it ring like an ordinary phone?". Finally, she noticed that the phone was not plugged in! She tried to get out of the house, but the door was locked... Then, her friends heard shouts and screams. From that day on, they didn't see Emily again...
Sunday, July 24, 2011
Reply to article.
I am writing this letter to reply to an article on the newspaper about traffic.
I totally agree with you.I have a lot of problems, especially when I go to school. I cannot arrive in my lesson in time.I am usually late because we get stuck in traffic.
Another way to get stuck in traffic is when you go to the town center,especially at the weekends.Also, there is traffic congestion when it is raining because all the people return from places they were by car in order not to get wet.Finally, traffic can be an important problem when you drive at noon because everyone returns from their jobs and the children return from school.
Therefore, a solution that I want to suggest is to use the means of public transport more.This will help the environment because not everyone will be using their own car and it will help us, too, as we will not pay for petrol.Another solution is to commute by bike. In particular, people that cannot afford to buy a car can buy a bike which is much cheaper.
I hope my ideas prove useful and we can finally solve the problem of traffic.
Yours faithfully
Stergios Mavrikakis
Tuesday, July 19, 2011
As soon as the phone rang,she knew something was wrong.It was a usual Friday afternoon for Sue.She was preparing dinner as she always does in the afternoon,but suddenly the phone rang. It was a man with a strange voice who said to Sue, 'Give me all the money that you have and I will not hurt you'.
After Sue heard the man's words, she was very frightened and hung up the phone.She was terrified and scared so she decided to call her friend John.She told him about the threatening call and asked him if he could come to her house to spend the night.
Although he thought it was just a joke, John decided to go to Sue's house to spend the night.While John was sleeping on the couch and Sue on her bed the man that had phoned Sue broke into the house quietly from the kitchen's door.He searched for money in the kitchen, but he didn't find anything there.Then he walked in the living room where John was sleeping.He searched for money there too,but he hadn't seen John into the dark.John heard him while he was searching for money and woke up.
When John woke up surprised by the noise, he saw the thief .He hit him with a vase and the thief passed out.John sighed with relief and woke up Sue.Sue couldn't believe her eyes,and told John that she was glad that she had invited him to spend the night at her house.After that, they called the police together and they told them to come as soon as possible.When the police came, it was morning already and after they took the thief away, everything was alright again.
Review about a concert
Tiesto was perfect. The music was so beautiful because he is a very talented and experienced dj. The lights and the sound effects made the concert more interesting. The audience was enjoying the well-played music quietly, and whenever a song finished, they were clapping and some fans were shouting.Generally, the atmosphere in the stadium was great.
There were, however, some disadvantages of the concert; for instance, the sound system.It was so old, that the audience couldn't hear clearly. Also, the tickets were too expensive, and last but not least, the noisy fans were annoying the audience.
I would thoroughly recommend Tiesto. I am sure you will enjoy it if you go and see him.
Monday, July 18, 2011
Short films
This is the link you have to visit to visualize your story by creating a short film! Good luck!
Saturday, July 16, 2011
An e-mail to Pam
Dear Pam
Thanks for your last e-mail. I'm glad you had a great time in my housewarming party. I'm writing to answer your questions.
After the party there was only chaos in the house: the tables were full of cans, glasses and boxes of pizza, and on the floor there were spilled drinks and glass from a broken glass. My parents weren't there, so I had to vacuum and tidy up alone.Regarding the photos, I'd like you to give me two of copies: the in which I'm with john in front of the window, and the other one, in which everyone is in.
Concerning your diary, I'll give it to you on Saturday. You asked me what I'd like to do in your party. I'd love to admire your new house. As for games, we can play the same games we played in my housewarming party. Also, we can explore your new neighbourhood.
I look forward to visiting your new house. I hope you'll like it, and let me know if any problem comes up.
Friday, July 15, 2011
summer adventure
As I said before, our car was actually too old. So, while my dad was driving, he smelt a strange smell like fire. Then, we saw smoke given off from the car! After that, we stopped and my father tried to fix it, but it was too difficult... So, we were in the middle of nowhere and there was no signal on our mobile phones.
After 20 minutes, we decided to leave our car and find a village or a town. We were thirsty because of the very hot weather and a bit hungry. We found a church, but unfortunately it didn't have a fountain.
We had been searching for about an hour when we finally found a village.We drank a lot of water and ate some food. There was signal, then, for our mobile phones, so we called my uncle and asked him to come and finally he came and we got home.From now on, I won't get into an old car again!!!
Thursday, July 14, 2011
summer story!
On the sixth of July in 2009 I was on holidays in Athens with my family and some of our friends.
The fourth day of our stay in the hotel, while we were having breakfast I noticed that my favorite band was staying in this hotel too.When I finished my breakfast, I went to their table and asked them for an autograph.All four members of the band gave me an autograph and I was so excited that they asked me if one day I wanted to play guitar with them. I answered that it would be great if they had free time after the breakfast.Then they said that they did not have anything else to do.
After the breakfast I went to my room and took my guitar.I ran at their bedroom and we started playing the guitar.We had a really good time and I talked with all the groups of the band.They told me that they would come to Greece again after 2 years and I was looking forward to their new concert.After two hours I finally left their room.
I really had a great time and I think I was so lucky to stay in the same hotel that my favorite band was staying in.
Subkulture's concert took place in Pangrition stadium on 5th December of 2010.All my friends and I as well as lots of other people went there.The concert started at half past eight but we arrived at nine o'clock, so all the seats were taken.
I liked almost everything about the concert but I really enjoyed the atmosphere which was amazing all the fans were screaming and dancing and the lights and the special effects were amazing.I had never seen something like this in my life.Also the sound system was brilliant.Some of my friends said that it was ear-splitting, but I disagree. I think it was great.
The only thing that was really annoying in the concert was that some people from the audience were throwing coca cola cans on our heads.At least no one was hurt.
In conclusion I thoroughly recommend anyone to attend a concert of Subkulture. It was just an amazing experience.
Tuesday, July 5, 2011
What about sports?
Favorite movie !
My music preferences!! :)
E-mail time :)
informal letter
Dear David
As for my personal details, I'm Minas and I'm at the same age as you.I live in Heraklion, in Greece. Heraklion is the biggest city on Crete.
I live with my parents in a house close to the centre of the town. In Heraklion, there are lots of sights, parks and shops to visit.That's why I like living here, and also because all my friends live there, too.
In my spare time, I love creating songs with a program called "vitrual dj" which I have in my laptop. Also, I like blogging, fishing, painting and now, in the summer, I like snorkelling and exploring the seabed.There are also many things I like doing in my free time which I will explain to you when we meet.
I want to have a penfriend because I would like to improve my English especially my writing skills and also I want to learn more about your country: what you eat, if you have any strange traditions and other similar things.
I look forward to your next letter.
Sunday, July 3, 2011
A piece of homework.
Music preferences
I am looking forward to your posts! :-)
Wednesday, June 29, 2011
some information about me...
I'm very happy to be a blogger. From now on when someone asks me to say my favourite interests, I'll answer "blogging!".
Except blogging, I like, swimming, painting, playing basketball etc.